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Sonic Producer – Create your own killer beats instantly

Along with providing a ton of MIDI Drum Files for people to download, I also like to search out and play around with new and different music software products.  Here’s one that I came across recently that I thought was pretty cool. It’s called “Sonic Producer” and it’s only about $30.

For those of you who like to make everything from scratch… Or those who like coming up with new musical style inspiration…  this one is for you. A powerful music/beat sequencer that has some amazing features. (and a very impressive price-point)

Basically, how it works is very simple.  As the software plays, you tap in the rhythms one track at a time. Then you can go back and add more and more instruments over the top of what you’ve already recorded making it as complex as you want. Very simple to use. And when you’re done you can export the finished product for use anywhere.

If you have every used the Re-Drum feature in Propellerhead’s Reason software… this is similar (except it doesn’t cost $500).

Watch the demo video …

Watch the Video above. Download it here.  Give it a shot.  Then come back here and let me know what you think about this attractive piece of music software. I would be very interested in your thoughts.

Key Terms:
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2 thoughts on “Sonic Producer – Create your own killer beats instantly

  1. Hello Sir,
    I downloaded free midi files from your site a long, long time ago. Browsing through some of them, I’m considering using several for a commercial songwriting project. My question is: If I use, say, 3 different “beats”, how can I arrange to pay for their use?

    Durwood Walker
    Songwriter, Producer

    1. Thanks for the question.

      Yes, go ahead and use the file(s) for commercial use. It would be great if you would buy one of the MIDI packages available here or at least mention this site in the credits. But that’s not actually required.

      I’m glad you like the files.

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