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Download Free MIDI Drum Files

free_midi_collectionFree MIDI Files Collection

Download all of these free files, all at once. Click Here…

Free Samples

12bar-1 12bar-4 12bar-6 12bar-7 Blues-10 Blues-2 Blues-7 Jazz-1 Jazz-12 Jazz-5

Download all of these free files, all at once. Click Here…

More like these found in:
Jazz and Blues MIDI Drum Tracks Master Collection - MIDI Tracks

Latin-9 Latin-6 Latin-39 Latin-29 Latin-24 Latin-21 Latin-2 Latin-15 Latin-3/4 Latin-6/8

Download all of these free files, all at once. Click Here…

More like these found in:
Latin Drum Tracks Master Collection - MIDI Tracks

Rock-3 Rock-30 Rock-33 Rock-42 Rock-49 Rock-7 Rock-13 Rock-16 Rock-20 Rock-26

Download all of these free files, all at once. Click Here…

More like these found in:
Rock MIDI Drum Beats Master Collection - MIDI Tracks

folk-1 folk-13 folk-18 folk-30 folk-33 folk-34 folk-38 folk-42 folk-46 folk-5

Download all of these free files, all at once. Click Here…

More like these found in:
Folk MIDI Drum Beats Master Collection - MIDI Tracks

3/4 and 6/8
3/4-13 3/4-19 3/4-2 3/4-23 3/4-8 6/8-10 6/8-15 6/8-2 6/8-20 6/8-7

Download all of these free files, all at once. Click Here…

More like these found in:
Alternate time signatures MIDI Drum Beats Master Collection - MIDI Tracks

Ethnic and World
ethnic-11 ethnic-17 ethnic-24 ethnic-28 ethnic-5 world-13 world-18 world-2 world-23 world-7

Download all of these free files, all at once. Click Here…

More like these found in:
Ethnic and World Drum Beats Master Collection - MIDI Tracks

dance-19 dance-21 dance-28 dance-3 dance-34 dance-4 dance-42 dance-47 dance-49 dance-8

Download all of these free files, all at once. Click Here…

More like these found in:
Dance Drum Beats Master Collection - MIDI Tracks

Contemp-10 Contemp-16 Contemp-27 Contemp3-3 Contemp-38 Contemp-4 Contemp-41 Contemp-46 Contemp-48 Contemp-7

Download all of these free files, all at once. Click Here…

More like these found in:
Contemporary MIDI Drum Beats Master Collection - MIDI Tracks

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All of our midi files follow this format:
sect. A – fill 1 – sect. A – fill 2 – sect. B – fill 3 – sect. B – fill 4
Edit and loop to your hearts content !

How do I access these files?

There are two ways.  


Play them from your browser

    If you simply click on any of the file names located on our download page your browser will automatically download the file and begin playing the MIDI file.  This action does not save the file to your hard drive.  Most web browsers now days are equipped with a MIDI “plug-in” which recognizes the file(s) as MIDI and automatically begins to play them through your computer’s sound card and speakers. 
    The problem with this is that, in most cases, people have the stock sound card (which sounds horrible) that came with the computer.  So unless you have purchased a great after market sound card for your PC, these files probably sound a little weak.

    There are a couple of ways around this though.  

   ***  One is to get a software based MIDI synth. there are a bunch of them that you can buy, but there are also some really good ones for free. These software synths convert the MIDI data into ‘high quality’ musical sound (unlike most sound cards) and then pushes the music out your sound card. These are a great alternative to buying expensive MIDI equipment.

Here’s a list of some good software MIDI players

Loopy – Great software!  and it’s FREE.

    Here are some others you might want to try out. (I have little or no experience with these.)     


    **** Another way is to buy an external MIDI sound unit. This is the route I go because the units are so much more editable and don’t take up precious computer RAM and CPU speed. Plus you can use them for other things if the need arises. 
    The MIDI data goes to this unit instead of through your sound card. That means you have to hook it up to your computer and have an external speaker source. (minor problems)
    I use a Korg NX5R unit: (click here for more information)

  This unit costs around $400 – $500 and is well worth it. It’s like having a studio Keyboard in a little box. 

    There are many different kinds of these modules that can be used with your computer.  Virtually every major keyboard has a rack mount, and module version that you can buy. 
    You can also use any MIDI compatible keyboard as your sound source. You don’t have to use a “little box”.

Download the files

    The reason I have these MIDI files available to download is not so much so that you can play them from your browser, but rather to download them into your computer for editing. This way you can use them as backing tracks for your songs or piece them together just for fun, or do what ever you want with them.

    You can download the files by clicking the RIGHT mouse button on whichever file you want to download. When you do this, a drop-down menu will appear. Simply select “Save File As….” and tell the computer where, on your hard drive, to save it.  Once it is saved you can import the file into any MIDI editing device or software where you can then use the file(s) however you want to.

    If you don’t have a software MIDI sequencer, here are some I can suggest. (There are MANY others)

    Cakewalk  –  EmagicOpcode

Q: Why do these MIDI files sound so bad?

A: The files don’t sound bad…..  Your sound card does!

And before you say “How Dare They….”, please read why we can say this with certainty. Click here! and read… “Play them from your browser”


     If you have other questions about downloading these files please let us know: Contact Us

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What is MIDI?

MIDI Connections Chart
MIDI In/Out through a sound card or direct via USB connection

M.I.D.I. – Musical Instrument Digital Interface

Basically, MIDI is a computer language used in networking two or more devices together. The specific devices we are most often referring to when discussing MIDI are musical computers, like synthesizers or signal processors. Essentially this means that you can hook up two musical devices and have them “communicate” with each other.

Some Basic Concepts
You don’t need to understand nuclear fusion to get a grasp on this MIDI stuff, there are just a few basic concepts you have to grasp.

  1. MIDI information IS NOT audio information. This is a hang up for many people who are just starting out in the music and audio arena. MIDI is merely a set of numerical instructions that are sent and received between the devices. The musical devices then translate this data into meaningful commands. So when a MIDI command is sent from one device to another, the signal is telling the second device which notes to play, how long to hold them, which sounds to use… etc.
  2. You need to understand how the flow of MIDI information works. MIDI data is sent out of the “OUT” port, MIDI data is received at the “IN” port. So for example if you want to send a MIDI data from a sequencer to a synthesizer the cables would connect on the OUT of the sequencer (because info is coming out) to the IN of the synthesizer (because the synth is receiving info). This can be confusing at first because the temptation is to plug the IN of one machine directly into the IN of another. But if you do that, you are not going to get any sound…. Ever.
  3. Channels – MIDI data transmits on 16 different channels. This allows for 16 different sets of MIDI data to be sent at once, which means a sequencer could control up to 16 different instruments at one time. Typically each instrument would be sent separately on a different channel. For example, drum track information is usually sent on channel 10 and so would play back on channel 10, Bass guitar sounds are usually on channel 2, synth on 4 and so on. You just have to make sure that the synthesizer that is receiving the channels has the correct sound selected for that channel.

Because MIDI does not carry with it the actual audio sound data, but just the note commands, midi files are extremely light and compact. A large number of songs can take up a relatively small amount of space on a disk or hard drive. This reason, along with it’s versatility makes MIDI an ideal language for almost any musician, and especially those who are on the road for performances or deal in large volumes of music.